Indiana: Hoosier Hill (1,257 feet)

Date:  July 3, 2016 (Raina) August 2017 (Jill)
Distance: Drive-up
Elevation: 1,257 feet
Bathrooms: None, private property


A stone’s throw from the Ohio border and about 1 hour 40 minutes from Ohio’s highpoint is Hoosier Hill.  Google Maps will take you to the unnamed turn-off without a problem.  Steps away from the parking area is a clearing that contains a mailbox register, a lovely bench, a picnic table, and a nice rock to celebrate the highpoint.  Inside the mailbox (in addition to the register) is an Indiana Highpoint card to commemorate the visit.

It rained steadily the entire time we were there, but the highpoint area has enough tree cover to offer a bit of protection.  Surrounding the clearing are a few short footpaths you can use to stretch your legs from the car ride.

We were unable to locate the USGS marker.  I’d read one was placed across the street from the highpoint between the two farm structures about six feet from the road in a hole.  Yes, the highest natural point was apparently marked in a hole.  We walked most of the length between the two farm houses until we got uncomfortably wet, and then slowly drove it three times.  All three of us had our eyes peeled, but alas, we did not spot it.

With good weather, Hoosier Hill would be a lovely spot to enjoy an outdoor lunch with the entire family.

Jill’s take

Hoosier Hill was a nice spot to stretch our legs between Dayton and Indianapolis. My little girl especially loved that there were hundreds of toads jumping everywhere, and we spent about a 1/2 hour trying to catch one (and thankfully never succeeding.) My husband liked the corn fields (big Field of Dreams fan), and I liked looking through the register to peep on other highpointers who had been through recently. All in all a successful stop, and good to show my kids that not all highpoints include 9 mile hikes like we had done in Virginia the month before.



Chances are, if you’re a highpointer, you’ll hit up Campbell Hill on the same trip.  If you’re staying in Columbus for this journey, be sure to have breakfast at Katalina’s.  They make amazing Pancake balls, good coffee, and encourage you to draw directly on the table!  While you’re there, look for the Summit Chicks note on one of the picnic table benches.

A big highlight of our Ohio/Indiana trip was the hot air balloon ride at Conner Prairie. We also loved the Wright Brothers historical site in Dayton, Ohio.

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