2015 Reflections
As the year draws to a close, it’s always nice to reflect on accomplishments and upcoming goals. This year afforded us the opportunity to become more entrenched in the gear testing world from packs to shirts to socks. We love pushing gear to see how well it performs under rigorous conditions and helping to inform your purchasing decisions.
As another highlight to our year, we had the honor of filming for a documentary at DC’s highpoint, Fort Reno. This was a fun and different way to contribute to the highpointing community. We’re also delighted to report that we’re making progress on erecting a sign at Fort Reno! We have secured full funding for the project and have begun working with the National Park Service to move this forward. Stay tuned for updates.
Overall, an exciting year with the promise to continue our adventure in 2016. Here is a recap of 2015:
This year was less about getting dozens of highpoints under my belt and more about continuing the journey with family and friends. Of the ten highpoints I visited in 2015, eight were with my daughter, two included friends, and all I shared with my husband.
Traveling to these great states, I had the opportunity to climb on the rocks of Hueco Tanks, record my name in the same register as Michael J. Fox, tour Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin, ride a bobsled in Lake Placid, and experience the beauty of Mt. Rushmore. Sampling local beer, enjoying new cuisine, and seeing different corners of our country with family and friends – really, what better hobby is there? These adventures are what inspire me to continue with this journey.
As with last year, I enjoyed each highpoint I visited. Brasstown Bald was a fun walk together with Jill and her family. Mt. Marcy I liked for the view, the exercise, and the good group of friends. Not to mention, it was my 10th highpoint with Jill! Guadalupe Peak afforded me a fun long weekend of hiking, playing on rocks, and eating my body weight in Mexican food.
Though, my favorite this year was Harney Peak. I loved being able to do a lengthier hike with my daughter. The trail was enjoyable, other hikers were friendly, and the stone tower along with the rocks at the summit to explore and enjoy our lunch made this a rewarding journey. Putting our feet in Sylvan Lake that afternoon was nothing short of a refreshing and satisfying way to celebrate our family accomplishment. That feeling of summer is pure happiness.
Fifteen remain. While I keep tinkering with the exact schedule for 2016, Katahdin with Jill and Rachel remains solid through all revisions. To add to the excitement, we may even join forces with another visible highpointer or two. The Upper Peninsula should make for a nice family trip. And, a bigger mountain is on deck – I was kicking around the idea of a second attempt on Mt. Hood, but it’s looking more and more like Borah will be the one.
Thank you to our readers for journeying with us on these adventures. It’s always rewarding to connect with you and to know that our site is a go-to resource for other highpointers. We wish you the happiest of holidays and promise to be just as candid about our adventures next year.
For me, 2015 will be remembered as the year when we really got involved with the highpointer community. Before highpointing was a hobby. Now it’s a calling. I’m so grateful not only for being able to do this with my good friend Raina and my family, but also for all of the new people we’ve met and for the opportunities we’ve had. I’m especially proud of highpointing articles we published in the Apex to Zenith magazine, and on the website Lifestyleandeverything.
There were mountains too. In 2015 I added a modest 4 peaks to my total. My favorite was Georgia’s Brasstown Bald. I loved the museum at the top, and the people were really friendly. I even love saying the name. It is a name meant to be shouted. Brasstown! Bald! I appreciated Mt. Marcy for the challenge of not breaking any bones sliding down wet boulders. It’s always rewarding when a mountain tries to injure you, but fails. 2015 also has the distinction of being the year I visited Delaware’s Ebright Azimuth twice – once intentionally and once accidentally when we got lost looking for a lunch place on the way to Mt. Marcy.
I’m not certain yet what my schedule will be next year. I’m looking forward to closing out New England on Mt. Katahdin with Raina and friends, and I’m hoping my kids will feel up to tackling Mt. Rogers with me. In addition my husband is planning a trip to a southern state that begins with the letter ‘A’ – either Alabama or Arkansas. Normally I would call him and clarify before I post something about it on the internet, but I am so thrilled that he is into this enough to plan a trip for us that I’m leaving it in there.
Happy holidays to all of our readers. We have loved connecting with you this year, and look forward to sharing with you more in 2016!
Very cool that you were able to get funding for the Fort Reno HP signage.