Marmot Reflections – 2015


Well, another year down.  Who would have thought I would have summited 30 of these highpoints?  Not me.  It’s been a fun year.  I’ve walked on Michael J. Fox hallowed ground, swam in numerous hotel pools, saw countless world’s biggest this or most [fill in the blank]est that, drove on endless unpaved roads through farmland and up mountains, ripped pieces of fender off of cars along the way, dropped an engine out of another, and unexpectedly rode the last ferry across a lake.  Along the way, we met many fascinating and nice folks, especially those at the brewery where the car with no engine rested for several hours awaiting a tow truck.  Then there was the place we had a late dinner somewhere near the border of North and South Dakota that billed itself as a restaurant, but really was some family’s home.  It had a few tables, a Pac-Man machine, and one 16 year old boy who served as waiter, chef, host, and cashier while his parents were somewhere “out on the town” that evening.

You’ll notice none of these reflections deal with the actual highpoints.  They are a necessary part of these trips, but not my most memorable parts.  In fact, I can’t differentiate many of them from other ones in my memory.  I’ll leave that to the Summit Chicks.  I remember the nuances along the way, the turn or bump in the road, the restaurant or hotel, but then again these are the support staff’s most important aspects.  Without these logistics, the trips would not happen.

Seriously though, it’s been a fun year traveling about with family and I wouldn’t have traded any aspect of it.  Here’s to another year of adventure and some highpoints along the way.

ND dinner2

Parking at the ND/SD border restaurant


Unexpected ferry ride with the replacement car

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